Gildia Pióra na Patronite

We are broken people living under loaded gun.

Jesteśmy przegranymi ludźmi, żyjącymi pod załadowanym pistoletem.

301 wyświetleń
10 tekstów
0 obserwujących
  • 24 April 2012, 17:23

    There's no problem. I very like to use and read English.
    If there it was a problem, i won't give you positive mark :)
    Take care.

  • TheMuffin

    24 April 2012, 16:08

    That is a song ? What is the problem ? You do not have to read it. :)

  • 22 April 2012, 20:10

    I don't understand why do you use english to describe all you sentences... if you think that's look better, you're wrong.